The Black Drawings are a large and on-going body work that allow me to explore personal, social and cultural provocations. Their language is transparency, and the goal is the specificity of mystery worked largely through the tension between line drawing and the realised image. Strictly speaking, they are line paintings executed with oil paint and brushes. Because they use of tar paper as a substrate, the normal relationship between dark mark on light surface is reversed. Tarpaper is a material expression of darkness. It is opaque and literal. It is also a structural component of suburbia, the place I grew up in and the site of the Mythinburbia pictures.
“ If I say to the darkness: ‘fall on me’, and to the night: ‘Hide me’, even the darkness is not dark to Thee, for the night shines as the day”
-Ps. 139
"The world is not a brute fact, but like a myth or metaphor; semi-transparent”
-Lian McGilchrist, The Master and his Emissary